
“The zazen I speak of is not learning meditation.

It is simply the dharma gate of ease and joy… the manifestation of ultimate reality.”



I offer classes, retreats, and individual guidance, on Zoom and in person, in Buddhist meditation practice. I’ve been teaching meditation since 1997 in many spiritual and secular contexts, from prison to church to basketball teams. 

We are driven by impulses that grow from karmic seeds in our consciousness. In meditation, we can see the gaps between those impulses. A practice such as this reveals inner abilities such as intuition and discernment. 

Meditation is a powerful way to know yourself and come to trust yourself.

Tibetan Buddhist teacher, Chogyam Trungpa, was teaching an introductory class at UC Boulder. He drew a bird on the blackboard and asked the class what it was. Someone tentatively suggested it was a bird. Trungpa said, “No. It’s a picture of the sky.” It was the sky with a bird in it. We tend to identify with our thoughts. Meditation helps us to identify more with pure awareness, which is our true nature. All our biases and hang ups are temporary, as well as being saturated with our own memories and associations (programming). 

  • Meditation is detox from our need to be entertained. 

  • It helps to reveal the gaps between impulse and action. 

  • Meditation helps us to know our true nature.

  • Meditation is good for our health.

The meditation techniques I teach foster resilience and relaxation. I offer many somatic forms that help tremendously with our traumas and feelings of spiritual disconnection.



The main practice. An open awareness practice from Soto Zen that translates to, “just sitting “ or “just precisely this.”


Mindfulness of breath practice. Calm abiding and clear seeing. The basic Tibetan form based on what the Buddha taught originally. 

Guided Meditation

Guided somatic forms that bring us into our bodies and into intimate connection with the larger body of the earth and the whole universe. These practices are derived mostly from training with Reggie Ray in somatic meditation.

One hour: $75.00

Sliding scale available.

Click here to contact me about meditation practice: