
See what others had to say about their experience with Sarah C. Whitehead.

”Hi Sarah, Thank you so much for the healing session yesterday. I am truly feeling much better and much more at peace. I was scared to face the day but it ended up being much better than I ever expected. You get what you need when you need it, right? Thank you again.”

— Jen S. 

“I never said anything about the stomach ache I had, but Sarah found it and worked on it at the San Pedro ceremony. My stomach problems are healed and after the ceremony I felt much more happy and relaxed in my relationships.”

— Patricia Calderon, Peru

“A few years ago I had a serious, persistent case of pneumonia. I had taken the antibiotics but was not recovering. Without knowing what the medical people had said and done, she thoroughly perceived my physical and mental condition and came up with an extremely accurate assessment. It was more informative than that received from my doctor. Using her healing powers and suggesting some special herbal remedies, my pneumonia was gone, my lungs healed and in a short time. I also felt much better than I had well before I was ill.

Sarah is an experienced healer and so modest you will never know of her feats. I am honored to know her and join others in being thankful.”

— Steve W.

“I sincerely wish to thank you for your great help for my son Josè David and his mother Olga Gòmez who have suffered of schizophrenia and paranoia for several years, but the healing energy they have received through you has been more than obvious because over the last two weeks both have been feeling and acting very happy, positive and healthy. My daughter Sara told me on the phone that she was quite surprised at that. She had no idea that I had asked for your help and she too is very thankful to you because their home had not felt so peaceful for a long time. May the Lord shed His blessings on you.”

Gratefully yours,
Luis Jorge Santos