Dependent Origination
Peace and forgiveness come when we
Stop searching for a first cause
Someone to blame
Staunch individualism is a hoax
We are all interconnected
We are all, without exception, dependently arisen
Our thoughts and feelings
Are dependently arisen
This sheet of paper has in it
Trees, water, and earth
It is dependently arisen
It has no first cause
In Japan, there is the Nikon Retreat
You go to the place and thank the door
You thank the maker of the door
The carpenter
The trees, the water, the earth
You put your socks in the drawer
Thanking the dresser
The drawer, the wood, the furniture maker
The trees, the water, the earth
And so on
You stop to thank every single thing and person
If you didn’t limit the time of the retreat
It would go on forever
As causes are infinite
Contemplating dependent origination establishes new pathways in the mind for the truth of blamelessness
That there is no first cause of anything
No origin story
Except dependent origination
This paper couldn’t have come from just one cause
Like just the trees, or the water, or the earth
It came from not just three, but limitless causes
As do the things we don’t like about ourselves and others
It is skillful
It creates a better outcome for ourselves and others
When we pause and contemplate the dependent origination of the things we like and don’t like about ourselves and others
Contemplation of dependent origination can be regular part of meditation practice