The Healing Power of Notice How


I noticed

I was sitting like a turtle

Hunched over

Protecting my tender body

Especially the front

The heart and the belly

The lungs that hold the grief

I told myself repeatedly

Don’t slouch

Don’t hunch over

But I kept defaulting to a turtle

Then I remembered

“Notice how…”

Instead of “don’t” in the Lojong slogans

From “don’t try to be the fastest“

To “notice how you try to be the fastest”

I said to myself

“Notice how you’re sitting like a turtle”

And something softened

I had to start by allowing the experience to come fully into my awareness

Not by pushing it away

Or denying it

Or trying to control

“Notice how you’re sitting like a turtle”


A genuine and full connection with reality

With suffering

With compassion

With wisdom

And when I sit up

It’s because I’m ready

I’m connected to my own woundedness

And what is needed to heal such woundedness naturally arises

That is the healing power

Of “Notice how”


Dependent Origination


Sweet Winter Kitchari